What Can You Recycle Plastic Bottles Into?
When trying to be green your imagination gets a lot of workout, especially when it comes to waste recycling. There are other ways of recycling other than giving all your waste to your local rubbish clearance company. Everybody can make an effort and try not to have waste whatsoever, by using a bit of creativity and turning rubbish into something that can be used again.
Plastic bottles are among the biggest offenders in the pollutant stage, but with some DIY they can be reused and turned into something useful rather than sent for rubbish disposal. What? Well, that is up to your imagination, but let’s have some brainstorming and get the creativity flow going:
Make Planters
A plastic bottle wide enough can serve as a planter for any plant. And even the small water bottles can fit smaller plants. You can even get creative and make hanging planters or translucent ones if you don’t put an outside cover. And the process of turning it into a planter is quite the simple one: cut in half. And if you turn it upside down, you even get the drainage hole!
Make Decorations
Your garden and home can benefit quite a lot from even a single plastic bottle. You can cut or form it into a variety of shapes and sizes and turn them into something fun to look at. For example, a bottle cut in stripes and hung high on the ceiling can provide for a fun hanging decoration. Or maybe an intricately cut shape.
Make Toys
Yes, bottles can become toys. With a bit of creativity and a lot of tools, you can make a transparent dog or a weird-looking robot. You can even involve the kid in the process to get its ideas, otherwise the bottle will go for waste disposal all the same. And if you are not handy enough for difficult creations – hey, using them as simple bowling pins is always an option!
Make Holders
Bottles are containers above all. And you can make them universal and not just liquid containers so that they can hold just about anything. You can make a holder for your morning cup, you can make coasters, you can even make a holder for your kid’s toys or any decoration you managed to create. Containers will always be useful, you just have to place them in the right context.
Plastic bottles don’t go out of style until you are all out of ideas about how to use them. Give it your best shot at appointing them something new to do after you drain the substance and breathe them a new life instead of throwing them in the waste clearance heap. Just apply some imagination and save yourself the price of a waste collection service. Using creativity will save you money, and you can start with lowering your house clearance costs.